June 12, 2022
When I went into the garden after your introductory talk I was immediately struck by a bush I saw opposite the church door. I felt I must take photographs of it.
I reconised it from seeing one in my parents’ garden in West Kirby and in my girlfriend’s garden in Old Swan. I looked at the questions on the sheet and then took a few photographs. The answers to your questions:
1) The leaves have no smell.
2) The leaves feel like rubber. This surprised me because I associate this with some seaside plants that need rubbery leaves to protect them from salt water.
3) I tasted a leaf and couldn’t detect any taste. I don’t think the leaves are edible.
4) This plant is a small bush. Low – growing, quite dense. Small oval leaves with a pointed apex. Beautiful green colour. Cup-shaped yellow flowers with five petals. Red berries are starting to appear.
5)” I’m a wild flower and I can grow anywhere. I like bees and bees like me.”
6) Its name is Tutsan (Hypericum androsaemum)
7) I would call it Rose of Sharon’s Cousin because it looks a bit like a Rose of Sharon (Hypericum calycinum).
8) I chose it because it looked like the whole plant would make a good photograph and there would be interesting photographs of parts of the plant from different angles. And I could get some good close ups of the flowers.
9) It reminds me of Rose of Sharon.
By Roger Stephenson
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