Viacheslav Poliakov, from the |.|.| series, 2022
In the photographs from the 2022 series, Viacheslav Poliakov incorporates the approaches characteristic of his practice – juxtaposing the images and objects, integrating photography and collage. Despaired and chaotic conglomerations of objects that blend, getting lost and simultaneously allowing for new connections and senses to be found.
This artwork is located at Bold Street Coffee, 89 Bold Street, L1 4HF. Venue opening times: Monday – Saturday 8am – 6pm; Sunday 9am – 5pm.
Cecilia Cooke
Posted at 14:48h, 28 AprilThis photo collage is an interesting juxtaposition of rotted fruit on a living tree, in a way challenging what we consider to be “alive” .